Job Loss & Workers’ Comp Benefits for Federal Employees

Losing your job due to a work-related injury can be a daunting experience, especially for federal employees. Fortunately, the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) provides essential protections and benefits for those injured on the job. Understanding how job loss interacts with your workers’ compensation benefits is crucial to ensuring you receive the support you need during this challenging time.

1. Understanding FECA and Workers’ Compensation

The Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) is a federal law that offers workers’ compensation benefits to federal employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. Administered by the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP), FECA benefits include medical treatment, wage-loss compensation, and vocational rehabilitation. Importantly, these benefits are available regardless of fault in the injury.

2. What Happens if You Lose Your Job Due to a Work-Related Injury?

If you lose your job because of a work-related injury or illness, your workers’ compensation benefits under FECA do not automatically stop. As long as your injury is deemed work-related and your claim is approved, you are entitled to:

  • Wage-Loss Compensation: If your injury prevents you from working, FECA provides wage-loss compensation, typically two-thirds of your regular pay (or three-fourths if you have dependents). This compensation continues as long as you are unable to work due to the injury.
  • Medical Benefits: FECA covers the cost of medical treatment related to your injury, including doctor visits, surgeries, and physical therapy.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation: If your injury prevents you from returning to your previous job, FECA may offer vocational rehabilitation services to help you train for and find a new position.

3. Continuation of Pay (COP)

Federal employees are entitled to Continuation of Pay (COP) for up to 45 days following a traumatic injury. This allows you to receive your full salary while recovering. If you are terminated during this period, your COP may cease, but you can still file for wage-loss compensation through OWCP to continue receiving benefits.

4. Filing for Disability Retirement

If your injury results in a long-term disability that prevents you from returning to work, you may be eligible for disability retirement benefits through the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). This program is separate from FECA and provides long-term financial support, often in conjunction with workers’ compensation benefits.

5. Appealing a Denied Claim

If your OWCP claim is denied, it’s crucial to act quickly. You have the right to appeal the decision and submit additional evidence to support your claim. The appeals process involves multiple levels, including reconsideration, a hearing before an OWCP representative, and review by the Employees’ Compensation Appeals Board (ECAB). Working with professionals familiar with the OWCP process can significantly improve your chances of a successful appeal.

How Rebound Clinics DMV Can Help

At Rebound Clinics DMV, we understand the complexities of navigating workers’ compensation benefits, especially when facing job loss. Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and support for federal employees, ensuring you receive the medical treatment and benefits you deserve.

  • Claim Support: We assist you in filing your claim, gathering necessary documentation, and ensuring your claim is accurately completed.
  • Medical Care: Our experienced chiropractors and medical professionals offer specialized treatment for a wide range of work-related injuries.
  • Guidance and Support: We help you understand your rights under FECA, including wage-loss compensation, medical benefits, and rehabilitation services.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation

If you’ve lost your job due to a work-related injury, don’t navigate the OWCP process alone. Contact Rebound Clinics DMV today for a free consultation. We’ll guide you through the process and help you secure the benefits you need to move forward.

Call us at or visit our clinics in the DMV area to get started.

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